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C-Level Social Media | SocialMedia404 May 13, 2009

Posted by Richard Shatto in Social Media.
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Just discovered John Sheridan and his SocialMedia404 site. It’s chock full of great articles and resources regarding social media. Go visit John’s site and I think you’ll agree John has great insight on the good, the bad and the ugly of social media.

Thanks John and I look forward to meeting you in person sometime soon.

To read more of what John has to say, read below or go to his website: http://www.socialmedia404.com/

The Five Fallacies of Social Media

1. It’s just greasy kid stuff.

Nope. Social media is pervasive. Over 84% of Canadians visit social networks today. It may not surprise you to know that 18-34 year olds spend more time on the internet than listening to the radio or watching TV.

But in March 2009, Neilsen Ratings reported there are now more people who belong to social networks (66.8%) than people who use email (65.1%). Fastest growing demographic? Women over 55.

2. It’s just marketing.

Social media now pervades every aspect of life, in the real world, on the web, on your phone. It will affect every part of your organization too. Remember buying your first office computer? Using a spreadsheet? Sending an e-mail? Can you imagine doing business without those tools today?

Social media gets a lot of press for its potential in public relations and marketing. That is just the tip of the iceberg.

3. No one I know uses social media.

That’s probably because you don’t use social media. But your customers and your competition probably are. Most companies are still looking for the right formula. But they are experimenting, adjusting, and succeeding. They are starting to learn, and a few are already gaining competitive advantage.

Successful CEO’s look ahead, and get there first.

4. Social media is free.

The tools are mostly free to use, true. But you already know, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Even reading this article is costing money. Like anything worth doing, it takes time, effort and investment to do it right. Spend on planning, measurement and sustainment.

You don’t need to spend a lot to learn, since even small projects can provide large benefits.

5. It’s easy. Anyone can do it.

Sure, and anyone could do your job, too. Yeah, right. Pick a strategist who knows social mediaand business, to help you integrate the benefits and navigate the risks for your organization. Approach it like everything else you tackle: make clear targeted objectives, and measure results.

Ask tough questions. Demand great answers. Seek expert advice.


Your Five Tough Questions for Social Media Strategists


1. Do you have a process?

Your strategist should be able to explain clearly, and logically, how they will help you plan and implement social media for you. It should make sense, and speak to you in a language you can understand.

Our OASIS Best Practices, now licensed under Creative Commons, is an internationally recognized framework for Social Media.

2. Is this your specialty?

Sure, you can buy food at a drug store now. But we’re guessing that’s not where you do your weekly groceries shop. If your strategist provides a wide range of services, are they really good at all of them?

We are recognized herehere, and here as a dedicated Social Media agency. We do one thing, and we do it best.

3. Do you follow your own advice?

Do a little digging on your own for this one. We’ve run into web marketers with no web site, search engine experts you can’t find with Google, and social media guru’s who have no presence in any social space. They don’t practice what they preach, they preach what they read. Ask them about how they use social media themselves, and what the results have been. Ask for numbers.

Catch a glimpse of ours here.

4. Have you done this before?

Ask for case studies and examples of social media work related and/or similar to what you are trying to do. Ask your strategist to walk you through the process they used, and what the results were. Look for experience that pre-dates the current social media frenzy.

Our experience in online, interactive social architecture dates back to the early 1990’s.

5. Do you do anything besides marketing? PR? Technology?

Marketing is only one function of your organization, and only one aspect of your business that you have an eye on. Your strategist needs knowledge and experience in business planning, financial, human resources, customer service, product management, technology, and all the other moving parts of business that you understand. Without that awareness, the social media strategist can never be “on the same page” as you.

Posted via web from Heart Health on Posterous

Twitter is Turning into a Junkyard May 12, 2009

Posted by Richard Shatto in Social Media, Twitter.
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An Important Message to Twitter

My trouble with TWITTER is that it’s becoming abundantly clear as a social media plaform, Twitter is becoming less a place to have conversations and more a junkyard of “endless offers to richness”.

The past couple of weeks, roughly 75% of my of my new Twitter followers are these kind folks who want to teach me how to make millions. Guys, it’s getting ridiculous. 

Twitter guys, you’re oxidizing fast. It’s getting way too cluttered. Unless your developers can come up with a way to cut down on this endless stream of “experts”, I predict Twitter is going to lose its luster just about as quick as it gained it. 

You need to create some rules of engagement, or create a filter to reduce some of the noise. It’s becoming a real nuisance and getting less and less worth my time to engage using Twitter.

Stop Following Me! May 12, 2009

Posted by Richard Shatto in Social Media, Twitter.
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Hey you hordes of  “Expert Affiliate Marketers” and “Get-Rich-My-Way Gurus”…


Do you really expect me to believe that not only have you reached untold riches yourself, but that you also “know” the secret way to unlock multiple millions for me? Really!

Is your copycat-marketing really so good, that thousands of you can be doing exactly the same thing and making millions?

And, “What’s up with you people? Everyone of you looks and sounds exactly the same!” 

The same center alignment.

The same big colourful headlines.

The same short paragraphs and “breathless” language.

I mean, if you are such great marketers, why don’t you know one of the first tenets of marketing and differentiate yourself?  

So please, please affiliate gurus, stop following me. 


YEO – Why Twitter Follower Counts Mean Nothing April 22, 2009

Posted by Richard Shatto in Twitter.
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Jeff Turner of the Social Media Marketing Institute is one of the most salient voices on the topic of Twitter. If you dislike unfettered following and followers, then read this blog from Jeff (@smmi) to understand some of what is going on with the Twitter craziness.

In this post, Jeff does an experiment to recreate a full blown “automated Twitter Follow” campaign similar to what hoards of “network and affiliate marketers” constantly espouse, with amazing results.

Jeff lays it all out exactly how he did it, what tools he used and the results. Comments to his experiment were also interesting.

Worth a read, if you’ve got questions about Twitter.

YEO – Why Twitter Follower Counts Mean Nothing – Social Media Marketing Institute Blog – Social Media Marketing Institute.

Check out The Benefits of Having a Small Twitter Following (For Now?) March 8, 2009

Posted by Richard Shatto in Social Media.
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Hi Readers,

I want you to take a look at: The Benefits of Having a Small Twitter Following (For Now?) 

A perspective from Zappos.com CEO Tony Hsieh from Lori Deschene blogger at SeeingGood.com. Enjoy.

Twittering got me zero results! March 4, 2009

Posted by Richard Shatto in Social Media, Web Strategy.
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A LITTLE PREAMBLE: I have been using Linkedin for a while now and have had some GREAT results; connecting with many intersting professionals. I’ve also been experimenting with Twitter, unfortunately with some less impressive results. Recently, I posted a discussion question on Linkedin asking, Is Twitter Redundant for Those Already Using Linkedin? After many great comments, here is my most recent exchange with Matt Boudin Jr, a Social Media Marketing Consultant at Awareness Inc. It was posted on the Social Media Maverns Group on Linkedin.

BTW, if you are a business person and are not using Linkedin, I encourage you to do so. It is a valuable communcations tool and resource. 

First, Matt’s excellent response to my Linked in discussion question. 

Hi Richard,

If you are looking for a quick response to your question Twitter is definitely the way to go… 

There is a lot of research that shows a tweet only is read for 5 minutes after it is posted, after that it is lost in a sea of updates and posts.

If you are following more than 20 or 30 people you will be consumed with trying to follow all of the tweets…

and if you aren’t using tweetdeck or some other way to track updates you have to be sitting online or else you will probably miss a lot of tweets and will never have time to read them.

If it is an important question post it on Linkedin…

it might take longer for a response but you can see that even days after you posted the question people are still responding, if you tweeted about this a few days ago it would have already been lost and forgotten. Just my two cents anyways.

Matt’s Linkedin Comment

Hi Matt, thank you for your salient comments. They make sense and mesh with my own personal experience.

Indeed, I have Tweetdeck and even with it and with my 100 or so followers I get lost. Although, admittedly I haven’t yet taken much time to learn how to use it. And, at this point I wonder just how many people are using Tweetdeck type programs?

As for Twitter generating getting immediate action? I’ll say “maybe”… for some.

Twitter Experiment

Last week, on a whim, I did a little Twitter experiment; an attempt to drive some traffic to a small online Charity Auction supporting Australian Fire Victims. It was a friend’s daughter’s (15) little blog project… really quite cute and inventive. (You can read more about it on my blog) I was measuring traffic to my blog and her sites (SparkyBarky blog, Lizzy’s YouTube and eBay Australian Fire Victim Charity Painting Auction) to see what immediate and monetize-able results my Tweet campaign would produce.

one way to get better Tweet results was to be straightforward and ask a Tweeter with a big following for help.

My Twitter and SMM experiment was based on a blog I read from Guy Kawasaki, one of Twitter’s phenoms, where he suggested that one way to get more Twitter results was to ask other Twitterer’s with a high follow count to help you. So I decided,  I’d put it to the test. I’d tweet the information about the Charity in a variety of ways.

  1. First, I  Tweeted my followers a few times about the Charity, its’ information and story links… NOTHING, but not unexpected with only 100 followers. 
  2. Next, I direct D @tweeted some Tweetdom mid-rollers (10,000 – 20,000 followers) to see of they would retweet RT for me… NOTHING. 
  3. Finally, I emailed some Big Tweeters (50,000 – 100,000) and asked them specifically to RT my Tweet and then direct D @tweeted those BT’ers… AGAIN NOTHING. 

So, what Happened?

No RT’s, and no new traffic to her eBay auction or Blog sites. I’m not sure what to make of this result.

I thought this was the very magic of Twitter

I know it was small test, but it was thought out and, though I wasn’t expecting much, I was dismayed that it got virtually zero (0).  What happened? Did my tweets get lost in all the noise? I thought this was the very magic of Twitter… virtually instant results.

I suspect that unless you have built up a large following, it’s going to be pretty hard to get noticed in this Twittering ocean.

I think what I learned is that unless there is a specific Twitter strategy in place, Twitter can be a simply a noisy, heady (for some) and distracting place. As with all business practices, there needs to be a monetization model and I think, presently at least, there are a lot of people scrambling to figure out what that is… and none more so than the growing list of Twitter VC’s.

Now, Linkedin, on the other hand, is producing many information, links, connections and relationships… your comment is a prime example.

Unless Twitter and those IT geniuses can find a better way of managing the shear tsunami of tweets and chirps, I suspect Twitter just may live up to its name.


Twitter… Who has time? Better Watch this. February 16, 2009

Posted by Richard Shatto in Business Strategy, Social Media.
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I thought it… maybe still do, but Perry Belcher’s little chalkboard lesson is making it harder to ignore. 

Go see Perry at http://www.winningatsocialmedia.com/  He’s got lots more. 

Thanks Perry.